Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Post Mortem After On eYear

This article says it all---the most telling is the final paragraph.  There are some zingers for Zero along the way too.  Where this guy's opinion in October and November of 2008 when it mattered?  Oh, that's right, he was smitten like the rest of the media.


Subject: Zuckerman Editorial from US News & World Report

   *Mortimer Zuckerman on President Obama
Monday, March 1, 2010*

           A most interesting editorial, not from Fox News or Rush
           Limbaugh, but from Mortimer Zuckerman of U.  S.  News. The
           tide is turning.

           Mortimer Zuckerman on President Obama:

           Mortimer Zuckerman is the Editor in Chief of the U S News
           and World Report and was a supporter of Barack Obama during
           his run for the Presidency.  This is a staggering appraisal
           of the President's first year in office- coming from someone
           who supported President Obama.

           _In a 
January 20, 2010 editorial, the Editor in Chief of
U.S.  News & World Report, Mortimer Zuckerman, had this to           say:
           Obama's ability to connect with voters is what launched him.
             But what has surprised me is how he has failed to connect
           with the voters since he's been in office.

           He's had so much overexposure.  You have to be selective.
             He was doing five Sunday shows. How many press
           conferences?  And now people stop listening to him. He's
           lost his audience.
           He has not rallied public opinion.  He has plunged in the
           polls more than any other public figure since we've been
           using polls.  He's done everything wrong.  Well, not
           everything, but
           the major things. I don't consider it a triumph.  I consider
           it a disaster!? And that's what his friends are saying about

           As the boy president occupied the White House on January 20,
           2009 it was predictable that his presidency would last a
           year, at most, because the things he promised and the things
           he stood for were so uniquely un-American.  Looking back
           over his year in office, any reasonably precocious fourth
           grader could make a cogent argument in opposition to nearly
           everything he's done.  In fact, his policies have been so
           extreme and so far outside the mainstream that he was
           destined to achieve the most spectacular fall from grace of
           any American president in history. It was easy to see him
           serving out the final three years of his term as a virtual
           exile in the White House, afraid to venture out among any
           but the most rabid partisans.

           Seeing his most ambitious initiative, healthcare reform, die
           in the flames of the Massachusetts Massacre, Obama made a
           hastily-planned "sortie" to 
Ohio for yet another
           Bush-bashing, self-aggrandizing stump speech on job
           creation.  It was vintage Obama, full of left wing hyperbole
           and planted questions from the Kool-Ade drinkers in the
           hand-picked audiences, but there were just two things wrong
           with it: 1) Almost everything he said was either wrong or an
           outright lie, and 2) He is so overexposed that no one in the
           television audience really wanted to see him.

           Obama Kool-Ade drinkers in the media, and elsewhere, like to
           describe Obama as a very bright man, a true intellectual
           (compared to George W.  Bush and Sarah Palin, of course).?
           If that is the case, why has he demonstrated such a great
           inability to learn from his failures?  The strident words
           and the in-your-face attitude of his 
Ohio speech were proof
           that he has totally misread the meaning of the Scott Brown
           victory in 

           Whatever hopes and dreams he had for his time in the White
           House, whatever grandiose plans he had for transforming the
United States from a constitutional republic with a free
           market economy into a socialist dictatorship with a
           centrally planned economy, were all lost on Tuesday, January
           19, 2010, one day short of a full year in office.  Yet, he
           appears to have learned nothing from the experience.

           Comedian George Gobel once asked, rhetorically, "Did you
           ever get the feeling that the world was a tuxedo and you
           were a pair of brown shoes?"? In the context of 21st century
           American politics, and assuming that he has any capacity at
           all for honest self-examination, Obama must be feeling today
           very much like a pair of brown shoes at a black tie soiree.

           When a politically naive and totally inexperienced young
           black man, with a glib tongue and an exceptional ability to
           read words convincingly from a teleprompter, announced that
           he was ready to serve as President of the 
United States,
           liberals and Democrats saw it as a perfect opportunity to
           expiate whatever white guilt they may have felt, which was
           apparently considerable among those on the political left.
             It didn't seem to bother them that, as one pundit has
           remarked, every time he walks into a room he is the least
           experienced and the least qualified man in the room.?
           Nevertheless, his friends in the worldwide socialist
           movement and the international banking community figured out
           how to smuggle hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal
           campaign funds into the country, the black community rallied
           to his banner, and American liberals and the mainstream
           media jumped on board the bandwagon.  Together, they made it
           happen for him.  But now, just one year later, Obama appears
           destined to become the unhappiest man in American politics,
           unhappier than even former Senator John Edwards, who runs a
           close second, and former president Bill Clinton.

Clinton will be the third unhappiest man because, after
           capturing the big prize, he frittered away whatever chance
           he had of ever being compared favorably with Franklin D.
Roosevelt as one of the 20th century's greatest Democratic
           presidents.  Not only was he a politician of unusual skill
           and insight, he was widely known as a policy wonk, among
           policy wonks, and he had the drive and the personal charm to
           be loved and respected around the world.
           Unfortunately, he was never able to put the public trust at
           the top of his priority list.  Instead, he surrounded
           himself with a large cadre of trusted enablers who allowed
           him to conduct himself as if he were, not the President of
United States, but the class stud on an extended spring
           break in 

           Now that he's been out of office for nearly a decade and
           he's married to the current Secretary of State, he spends
           his days trying to find something useful to do without
           calling an undue amount of attention to himself.  Having
           lied so shamelessly to the American people, having perjured
           himself in a court of law, having turned the Oval Office
           into a sexual playpen, and having suffered the humiliation
           of impeachment, he's smart enough to know that he has little
           reputation left to protect.  So in order to protect whatever
           legacy remains, he walks a tightrope every day, and he has
           many more years to walk it without falling off.

           Former Senator John Edwards is destined to be the second
           unhappiest man in American politics because he will be known
           forever as the most thoroughly despised scumbag in the
           political arena.  A trial lawyer, Edwards amassed a $60
           million fortune by winning large jury awards against
           doctors, hospitals, and corporations.  His specialty was
           cases in which children were born with cerebral palsy, which
           he blamed on doctors who had waited too long to perform
           C-sections, a claim that doctors and medical researchers
           have described as "junk science".? Then, like Obama, he
           decided that his experience in the courtroom, his glib
           tongue, and his one term in the U.S.  Senate qualified him
           to be President of the United States.  He entered the 2004
           Democratic presidential primaries, raising an incredible
           amount of money for a newcomer to elective office, most of
           it raised illegally by bundlers, in plaintiffs law firms
           across the country. He was unsuccessful in his quest for the
           Democratic nomination but was selected by his Senate
           colleague, John Kerry, as his running mate.

           Two years later, in 2006, Edwards met a young blonde film
           producer, Rielle Hunter, and embarked on a love affair with
           her.  On February 27, 2008, Hunter gave birth to a daughter,
           for whom Edwards has consistently denied paternity, until now.

           Taking into account that all of this was happening while his
           wife was waging a long battle with breast cancer, Edwards
           now has the well-deserved reputation of being the sleaziest
           of the sleazy.  He is so universally despised that, if he is
           on the lookout for a friend, he might as well resign himself
           to getting a dog, or moving in with O.J. Simpson.  Terry
           Moran, host of ABC's This Week, put it all in perspective.
             He said, "What's interesting to note is that Edwards'
           latest admission (that he is the father of Hunter's child)
           came while he was in Haiti.  As if the people of that sad
           place didn't have enough problems.? Clearly, the one thing
           Clinton and Edwards share that places them near the top of
           our list is their sexual peccadilloes, a shortcoming that
           Obama does not appear to share with them, at least from what
           we know so far.

           What we do know about Obama is that, since his teen years,
           he has been mentored by, gravitated toward, and surrounded
           by the most dangerous sort of America-hating socialists,
           communists, and Marxists, from Frank Marshall Davis and Saul
           Alinsky to Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and
           Bernadine Dohrn, to Rev.  Jeremiah Wright, George Soros, and
           countless radical left college professors.

           What destines Obama for the top spot on the list of
           unhappiest American politicians, aside from the failure of
           his economic recovery program, the failure of his radical
           cap-and-trade proposal, his failed attempt to give labor
           bosses unprecedented power to intimidate blue collar
           workers, and his ill-fated attempt at healthcare reforms, is
           the fact that he carries on his shoulders the hopes and
           aspirations of every black child in America.  It is
           unfortunate that, because he is so far outside the American
           mainstream, and because he carries so much hatred in his
           heart for the country he seeks to lead, his failures will be
           viewed by generations of black children, not as the failure
           of a black socialist attempting to bring down a
           constitutional republic, but simply as the failure of a
           black man.

           A man can fail in the eyes of his countrymen and still be
           dearly loved by those closest to him. But in Obama's case,
           his wife and his two daughters will be there to suffer every
           agonizing step of his fall along with him.  And for the rest
           of his life, each time he looks into their eyes, and into
           the eyes of black people everywhere, he will see the
           crushing disappointment that his ill-fated attempt at
           national transformation has caused them.

           He will be the country's unhappiest man, living the rest of
           his life knowing that his daughters know that the whole
           world sees him as a failure.  He is simply the wrong man, in
           the wrong job, in the wrong country, at the wrong time in

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